Piecing It Together: I Moved

Piecing It Together: I Moved


I need to get personal on here because I have had a time lately!

Positive note: I’ve used a lot of self care strategies from my therapy toolbox to be “ok,” which also inspired me to start this blog 🙂

Side note: As I’ll do in several personal posts… shout out to my therapist. She has been my lifeline in navigating all of this wild change.

All of that baggage will come to light when I’m ready, but at the moment I can only say that I have several changes ahead of (and behind) me and I want to focus on opening up with you guys.

I wish I could tell you I’ve been gracefully gliding through this season of change… but to be completely honest, I’ve been clumsier than I would’ve liked. I’ve found myself slipping back into some old habits *sigh of frustration.* I was disappointed in my decisions at first, I realized that it’s ok. When I’m feeling disregulated, I use the strength I have to make the best physical and/or emotional choice that is available in the moment and you know what? That’s good enough. Life is tough and we can’t always make the perfect choice, especially when nearing our thresholds, so I’m slowly learning to embrace this new (temporarily) messy life!

I want to be open and honest with you guys with what feels right to share… so as I begin this blogging journey take it easy on me, pleaseeee! I’m not sure what to share exactly or what you all are even interested in!

(Let me know what questions you have / what you want me to dive deeper into in the comments here or in my instagram DMs)

A topic I am comfortable sharing is my recent move. It wasn’t across the world or country, but from the city to the suburbs. After nearly five years of calling downtown Denver home, I found myself packing up. Let’s be real, it wasn’t a choice I made out of some butterfly and rainbow feeling, rent skyrocketed so I made the decision to say goodbye to the city girl life (…for now lol).

Now, you might be picturing me drowning in a sea of moving boxes, while grappling with an identity crisis of epic proportions. And sure, I have had MO-MENTS, but amidst the chaos, I’ve uncovered a glimmer of hope—I’m learning to rediscover myself in this new chapter.

What does that even mean, Sarah?? Girl, I don’t know!

What I do know is that I am no longer mindlessly filling my schedule with easily accessible downtown distractions. Now, I’m embracing the large challenge of living with intention and purpose instead of accessibility.

I’ll update more as I navigate this change of scenery. Thank you always for your support.

Figuring it out piece by piece,


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Hello and welcome to Gracefully Pieced Together. I’m Sarah, and I believe in the importance of self-love, self-care, and personal growth. whether you have a full day or just a few minutes, take time for yourself.

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