Piecing It Together: I Started A New Job

Piecing It Together: I Started A New Job


As you can probably tell from the posts recently, I’ve been going through some… professional change…

surprise, surprise, right? LOL

Well, I started a new job!

Not a total career change, but definitely a shift. I really feel like I am beginning a new period of my life this summer, with both the move and job change. At first I was not interested in all of this change, I am definitely the kind of person that likes for things to stay predictable. It helps keep the anxiety at bay.

Honestly, I cried a lot during the move and cried even more while navigating the shift away from my old job and moving into this new role.

But, I am finally feeling more settled and stable, which is why I can write this post 🙂 I’ve felt bad not sharing, but I wanted to feel a bit more grounded before opening up.

About the transition:

My old and new roles are flexible enough that I was able to work both jobs while making the shift. I’ve been slowly decreasing my hours at one job and increasing my hours at the other. Although I do not recommend doing this, I will be completely transitioned by September, which is exciting!

I still have some sad feelings about leaving, but I know this is for the best. The new role seems like such a great fit for where I am in life at the moment, which feels so reassuring. I hope it continues trending this way. The new company is local and woman owned (love) and it is growing pretty quickly, which is exciting to be apart of. I am continuously being encouraged by the owners and local team, too. Feels AMAZING!

I am starting to feel like it’s all been a summer camp or something and I’ll be getting back to my regularly scheduled programming this Fall. It’s a very strange feeling… and I’m trying to figure out how to navigate it. I think going through my planner and scheduling out the next few months will be helpful in feeling more grounded in the change.

If you have any suggestions, I’m open!

So, while I’m digging all this change I plan to create content around creating routines, feeling grounded, goal setting, and creating a value centered life. Let me know what else you’d like to see.

Thank you always for your support.

Figuring it out piece by piece,


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Hello and welcome to Gracefully Pieced Together. I’m Sarah, and I believe in the importance of self-love, self-care, and personal growth. whether you have a full day or just a few minutes, take time for yourself.

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